Dreaming Our Future
St. Mary's Episcopal Church
Introduction to the Process
In 2019, St. Mary’s began a process of discerning our future that we are calling Dreaming Our Future. It’s not a new endeavor, really; every ten years or so, the vestry and congregation have embarked together on a period of reflection and discernment about who we are as a faith community, and where God is calling us.
Stepping back from our usual flow of work and ministry gives us an opportunity to reflect on our history as the people of God in this place. We recall who we have been throughout the many phases of our seven decades as St. Mary’s. We name what has sustained us, kept us strong and vital, and where our ministries in the world have shown the love of Christ to the wider community of Anchorage, and even to the wider world.

STORIES—This is where we are, telling the story of St. Mary’s in our own words. As we recall our collective and individual histories, we celebrate what has gone before, and look toward a future that arises out of our shared calling and values.

CHOICES—Here, we identify our strengths, and invite input from others to explore the needs of the wider community. What are our dreams for the future? Where is God leading us in the decades ahead? What possible ministries feed

DECISIONS—And then we, acting through our Vestry, make decisions. We decide which of the proposals, if any, make sense for us at the present time. We bring our vision of the possible into the present. We may choose to pursue a program, or a project that involves building, or to stay the course with our current flourishing ministries.